Unit 2 Study Guide

Unit 2:  Matter Study Guide 

My unit 2 test will be on:  Friday, October 16th. 

Atomic Structure:  Fill in the blank.

1.  An ____________ is the basic building block of_____________.

2.  An atom has 3 subatomic particles: _____________   _____________ and  _____________

3.  The nucleus of an atom has an overall _____________ charge.4.  The nucleus of an atom contains two subatomic particles:_____________ and _____________

5.  The nucleus of an atom contains the most _____________ of the atom.

6.  The atomic mass is found inside the _____________ of an atom.

7.  Charge of a proton? _____________

8.  Charge of a neutron? _____________

9.  Charge of an electron? _____________

10.  Electrons move freely around the nucleus of an atom in the _______________.

11.  How many electrons can be in the first energy level? _____________

12.  How many electrons can be in the second energy level? _____________

13.  How many electrons can be in the third energy level? _____________

14.  How many electrons can be in the fourth energy level? _____________ 

Elements:  Fill in the blank.

15.  An element is a _____________ substance that is made up of only_____________ atom.

16.  Where can you find the elements? _________________________________

17.  Each element has an ___________________ that can be used to tell the difference from other elements.

18.  The atomic _____________ has a decimal in its number.

19.  The element’s _____________ is an abbreviation of the element’s name.

20.  The atomic number is also the same as the number of _____________ and  _____________.  What is the silly saying we use to remember this? _____________

21.  To determine the number of neutrons in an element, you can take the element’s _____________ and subtract the _____________ to equal the number of _____________.  What is the silly saying we use to remember this?    _____________ 

22-28:  Choose an element from the periodic table and identify the following below.

22.  What is this Element’s name? _____________

23.  What is this Element’s symbol? _____________

24.  What is this Element’s atomic number? _____________

25.  What is this Element’s atomic mass number? _____________

26.  How many protons does this element have? _____________

27.  How many neutrons does this element have? _____________

28.  How many electrons does this element have? _____________

29.  What is the most abundant element in the earth’s atmosphere?    _____________

30.  Give the symbols of each element.         

Sodium _____________         

Chlorine _____________         

Gold _____________         

Silver _____________         

Magnesium _____________         

Carbon _____________         

Nitrogen _____________         

Hydrogen _____________         

Helium _____________         

Oxygen _____________         

Calcium _____________         

Mercury _____________         

 Copper _____________         

Iron _____________         

Uranium _____________         

Nickel _____________         

Silicon _____________

31.  List the most abundant elements in the Earth’s crust _____________           ___________________________________________________

32.  What is the most abundant element in the Earth’s crust? _____________

33.  Out of the following list of elements, what two elements are found mostly in humans?  Carbon, Hydrogen, Cobalt, Sodium, Helium, Gold, Silver, Uranium, Nickel          _____________  _____________

34.  Where would you find an abundant amound of NaCl (salt) on Earth?  _____________

35.  Elements are represented by a letter, sometimes two, called _____________.

36.  If a symbol is not present, an element can be identified by its atomic    _____________, which is what scientists use to distinguish one atom of    element from another. 

Compounds:  Fill in the blank.

37.  Two elements chemically combined form a _____________.

38.  How many atoms of Oxygen are found in the compound CO2  (Carbon Dioxide). 

39.  How many atoms of Carbon are found in the compound CO2.

40.  What two elements form the compound NaCl? _____________    _____________

41.  In the formula HO, what two elements are found? _____________        _____________

42.  An element is represented by a  _____________ letter, and if the element has two letter to represent its symbol, the second letter will be  _____________       case.

43.  The number below an element in a chemical formula or compound is called a _____________. 

Atomic Structure:  Label

44.  Draw and label an atom:  protons, neutrons, electrons. 

45.  The center of the atom is called a _____________ that has an overall _____________ charge.